Southern Cross



Professional Services Area


The easy solution

Professional fee funding
Monthly payment plans
for professional fees Australia wide


What we do
We help you free up your cash flow

An innovative, additional service to your clients

Professional fee funding is a WIN-WIN solution.

  • Your client will never again need to defer payment of your invoice.
  • You are better able to manage one of the most critical functions of your business -
    cash flow!

Simply convert ‘slow’ payers to a cost effective, fee funding facility where you are paid in full.

Your clients gain

  • Their confidentiality is assured
  • The application process is simple and fast, with immediate approval.
  • They are able to spread their fee payments over a period of up to twelve [12] months.
  • You are providing your clients with an alternate line of credit, with no bricks and mortar security required, and interest rates fixed over the term of the finance.

Your clients will see a clear benefit in the option of repaying fees in monthly instalments.

Your business gains

  • Fees are credited as cleared funds to your nominated account.
  • Your staff can concentrate on producing revenue not collecting it.







Southern Cross Funding Pty Ltd  - ABN 45 082 571 373  - All rights reserved